The Plant Spirit Calling

The Calling of Plant Spirits

When it’s time, the longing gets stronger to come home again.
When you are ready, I call you by your name and I whisper in the sound of silence.
And if you listen, you’ll drink me and then you hear me.

Surrender, remember and trust the process. Take a deep inner dive and strive for true purification.
Just close your eyes and you’ll remember.

I will come to help you with;

  • Loving yourself,
  • Bring new perspectives, a different angle and different approach,
  • Open the black box inside of you, so you can purify and forgive yourself,
  • Reconnecting with your soul,
  • Trust yourself, even if you think that you’re already do that,
  • Take a deep dive inside and explore the world beyond your mind,
  • Believe in the process of your own authentic path, here on planet earth,
  • Learning to feel again and reclaim your truth.

With unconditional love,
The Plant Spirits

Aanmelden ceremonie

Vul hier je gegevens in voor deelname aan een plant spirit proces of psilocybine dan zal ik zo spoedig mogelijk contact met je opnemen. 
