Self- discovery
with psychedelic retreats

These psychedelic retreats offer a safe environment for deep inner work and expanding personal and spiritual growth.

Ancient wisdom is combined with modern forms of bodywork and therapeutic process work through the use of high doses of psilocybin and other psychedelic plant teachers in ceremonial setting.

These programs create space for; cultivating awareness, spiritual development, healing of traumatic experiences and healing on emotional and physical level.

Revermann’s purpose for you

Self-awareness and connection
Emotional and mental resilience
Fulfillment and a balanced lifestyle

Plant ceremonies with experienced facilitators

If you want to understand yourself on a deeper level and make positive changes in your life, our transformative and enriching psychedelic retreats can be valuable.

A safe and respectful space for self-exploration is created by specialized facilitators. This space allows for creative breakthroughs and resolving of physical and mental blockages, as well as destructive beliefs.

Discover the root of your challenges and gain insights into life’s questions.

‘Discover yourself and improve your health. A new beginning.’

Experienced facilitators

The facilitators have completed training as psychedelic process therapists and/or have a therapeutic or healthcare background.
They have widespread experience in psychedelic practices and regularly connect with ayahuasca, psilohuasca, or psilocybin truffles for their own teachings and purification.
In addition, they have various supplementary skills, including (family) systemic work, leela therapy, mindfulness, voice dialogue, and rebirth practices. These skills are used in ceremonies or integration sessions.

October 23 and June 2024. With Carlijn, you are at home; with Carlijn, you are at ease; Carlijn provides warmth and love. This inner, intense journey is one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had. In a stunning location and an even more beautiful yurt, I was able to experience this under the trusted, safe guidance of this very special lady. Carlijn, once again, my thanks.
Ronald van 't Veer, Autoverhuur bedrijf
From the very beginning, there was excellent contact—starting from the first email, through various phone calls, the ceremony, and the follow-up. There was support, involvement, attention, and assistance. I felt that I was in the right place, so I decided to attend my first ceremony. We were warmly welcomed, there was time to talk, get to know each other, and everyone shared their story about why they were there. In all calmness, understanding, and without judgment. During my journey, Carlijn was with us the whole time; she played instruments, sang, and was there during difficult moments, knowing when support was needed. Ultimately, I felt a great sense of relief. The morning after, during breakfast, everyone shared their experiences. Again, without judgment, with focus and understanding, we listened to each other. I can wholeheartedly say that you are in the right place with Carlijn. Knowledgeable, reliable, and helpful. Love, Paulina
Paulina Kowal,
A plant medicine ceremony. Something that lies far outside my comfort zone. But I have always been very curious about what such an experience would bring me. Due to cold feet and a lack of time, it had never happened before. Until I came into contact with Carlijn. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and I then decided to attend a ceremony together with my wife. As a down-to-earth Zeeuw, I still found it quite exciting. But what an extraordinary journey that was. I will never forget it. Carlijn and her assistant guided us wonderfully. After an initial conversation and intake, you are lovingly and expertly taken into the ceremony. In a beautiful yurt in a stunning rural location, we gathered with a small group of 6 people. During the ceremony, each participant has space for their own story and process. But they also keenly sense when you might need support. At first, I was still in "control mode." 
Not much happened in the first half hour. This was keenly noticed by Carlijn, and after some reassurance and touch, my unconscious resistance completely broke. I immediately entered a state that you can't imagine. Time and space disappeared, and I was just judgment-free and connected with everything around me. 
Overwhelming to experience. It is so intense that it is difficult to put into words. After the journey, we ate deliciously, laughed, talked, and slept. 
The experience is, of course, very personal and dependent on your inner state. But I can recommend this to everyone. Thank you, Carlijn and her team, for this unforgettable experience. 
I am not done with the plant spirits yet. So, we will meet again.
Norman van der Mull, Zelfstandige
October 2023. Connection with yourself, what a gift. A demanding job combined with a survival strategy of always pushing forward and needing to be strong gives a lot of power and results, but also total disconnection from myself. From our first contact, I felt trust and your warmth to guide me from my head to my heart. The weekend is the most beautiful and valuable gift I have given myself. Even Mrs. Rational 😊 felt completely safe to enter the sessions with confidence. The guidance from Carlijn and Anita was so pure and wonderful. For me, it has been a really nice transformation with a lot of connection and also humor. 
The first step has been taken... so see you soon. Carlijn, so grateful to have met you.
Marrit S, Director HR
November 2023. Recently, I participated in a Plant Spirit Process under the expert guidance of Carlijn. From the beginning, Carlijn made a deep impression on me with her careful approach. During the intake, Carlijn immediately put me at ease, which is essential for such an intensive process. The session took place in her yurt, which was more than just a physical space. It felt like a safe haven, a place where I could be open and vulnerable without any reservations. Carlijn’s approach was not only respectful and ethical but also remarkably empathetic and attuned to personal needs. Her guidance was crucial for the 'inward journey' we embarked on. She knew exactly how to support us in gaining profound personal insights. What I particularly appreciated was the practical help Carlijn offered during the integration process after the sessions. She helped us find the right 'hooks' to integrate our experiences into our daily lives, which resulted in a lasting positive impact. I would highly recommend Carlijn's guidance to anyone seeking an expert and empathetic guide in their personal growth and development. Her professionalism and dedication are a rare find in the field of psychedelic processes. Regards, Tim
April 2024. The warmth, the bond between participants, as well as with the guides, and the combination of experiencing, ‘sobering’, the humor and reflection is beautiful. The journey I experienced is one I couldn't have imagined possible. 
Guiding with the responsibility that comes with it must be in your nature. I felt so safe, free, and comfortable with you all’. Carlijn, I already told you, your calmness, directness, openness, knowledge, sharpness and warmth, thank you. It made me fully surrender to the process. My journey: When you have no idea what to expect, it is overwhelming when, after a 'disappointing' first round of drinking, you are thrown completely 'into the deep end.' But the plant spirits gives you what you need. And that is beautiful, though intense. I always considered myself a down-to-earth guy, somewhat skeptical of spirituality and what comes with it. But I think the choice to choose for myself a year ago made me more emotional, freer, and more open. I am incredibly happy with the whole experience and everything that came with it. That means I will return. Regards, Tom
Tom, Corporate sector
Lieve Carlijn, In September 2023, I experienced a life-changing Plant Spirit Process retreat with you. It's actually indescribable in words how it unfolded, what happened, and what came up. It was raw, heavy, dark, hard work, sad, but also beautiful, light, enlightening, clarifying, healing, and therefore life-changing for me. Immediately after the retreat, I did not feel enlightened at all; rather, I experienced it as very heavy, both physically and mentally. However, now (five months later), I can genuinely say that it has brought me so much and has healed me. For years, I couldn't cry, and during the ceremony, it all came out; I literally felt 20 years of sorrow and stress release, and then it was gone, just vanished. After the ceremonies, there was ample space to share experiences, and you provided clarity for everything that was still unclear. There were plenty of insights, but then what, I thought. I went home under the impression that I was richer in insights but that nothing had actually changed. Little did I know… Months passed, and suddenly everything was fine, I was in balance, everything flowed, and I could feel more. I felt my own needs (and listened to them, for the first time in a long time), but I also felt the needs of others better (and could more easily set them aside because I felt they needed to follow a different path). Everything became clearer, there was more peace and trust, and it is still there. It certainly wasn't a quick fix; it was very hard work, but it was 1000% worth it. With all love and trust, I can highly recommend the loving and adequate guidance of Carlijn and her support. They took me by the hand and allowed me to embark on this healing journey. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for everything! For the love, the peace, the space, the safety, for everything. All the best, Janine
Janine B., Jurist
February 2024. Infinite thanks to you. You have been an incredible guide on this journey of self-discovery during the Plant Spirit Processes. You have helped me understand myself and expand my awareness and mental capacity. You have been a wonderful guide, illuminating my path and supporting me in finding my way. I am so grateful for your support, understanding, and guidance throughout the entire process. All the best, Zeynep.
Ayla Zeynep Yucel,
The weekend was epic, magical, grand, vulnerable, humble, and filled with so much love. I encountered all the topics and themes I've worked on over the past years in the context of my personal development; the circle is complete. Beautiful insights, incredibly well-guided, a safe and trusted environment—I can hardly put it into words. The music was a wonderful addition to the evenings, enchanting when both ladies sang accompanied by the guitar. In the candlelight and homely atmosphere, Carlijn was the elf-like DJ who continuously struck the right chord. Waves of pure happiness, love, but also restlessness, struggle, and grandeur passed by. When I listen to the music now, I find myself back in the weekend of the plant spirit and can recall the feeling. It's nice to know that I can always return to the deepest layers of myself. It was a titanic struggle between 'being strong' and 'letting go/being vulnerable.' Lying down, rising up, dancing, bowing, moving and continuing. The mother of the plants lovingly showed me, made me realize, and let me experience where my struggle lies, allowing me to surrender. It was a magical weekend with a mega flow, involving intense struggle and ultimately leading to grand insights. Everything was experienced with softness and gentleness and a big smile ♥️. Thank you dear Carlijn & Anita for your loving guidance, I would love to come back again. Love, Joep
Joep, Wellbeing manager
Lieve Carlijn, September 2023 heb ik bij jou een (naar achteraf bleek) life changing Plant Spirit Proces meerdaagse ervaren. Eigenlijk is het niet in woorden te beschrijven hoe dit is verlopen, wat er is gebeurd, wat er voorbij is gekomen. Het was rauw, zwaar, donker, hard werken, verdrietig, maar ook mooi, licht, verlichtend, verhelderend, helend en dus ook life changing voor mij geweest. Direct na afloop voelde ik me zeker niet verlicht, maar ervaarde het eerder als heel zwaar. Fysiek en mentaal. Echter, nu (vijf maanden later) kan ik oprecht zeggen dat het mij zo ontzettend veel heeft gebracht en mij heeft geheeld. Jaren heb ik niet kunnen huilen en tijdens de ceremonie kwam het er allemaal uit; 20 jaar verdriet en stress voelde ik letterlijk loskomen en daarna was het weg, gewoon verdwenen. Na afloop van de ceremonies was er veel ruimte om ervaringen te delen en gaf jij duidelijkheid aan alles wat nog niet begrepen werd. Inzichten waren er in overvloed, maar wat daarna dacht ik. Ik ging naar huis in de veronderstelling dat ik wat inzichten rijker was, maar dat er feitelijk niets veranderd was. Little did I know… De maanden verstreken en ineens was alles goed, was ik in balans, stroomde alles, kon ik meer voelen. Mijn eigen behoeftes voelde ik (en luisterde ik hierna, voor het eerst in lange tijd), maar ook de behoeftes van anderen voelde ik beter (en kon deze beter naast me neer leggen, omdat ik voelde dat zij een ander pad dienden te bewandelen). Alles werd helderder, er kwam meer rust en vertrouwen en dat is er nog steeds. Het was zeker geen quick fix, het was heel hard werken, maar het was het 1000% waard. In alle liefde en vertrouwen kan ik de liefdevolle en adequate begeleiding van Carlijn en haar ondersteuning enorm aanbevelen. Ze namen ze mij bij de hand en hebben mij deze helende reis laten maken. Vanuit de grond van mijn hart; ontzettend bedankt voor alles! Voor de liefde, de rust, de ruimte, de veiligheid, voor alles. Alle liefs, Janine
Janine B., Jurist

Schedule an introduction call

If you have questions or would like to have a free introduction call please reach out

Aanmelden ceremonie

Vul hier je gegevens in voor deelname aan een plant spirit proces of psilocybine dan zal ik zo spoedig mogelijk contact met je opnemen. 
