Ayahuasca & Safety EN

Risks, contraindications and skilled guidance

Safety is extremely important when undergoing a psychedelic session. Always be honest when filling out a questionnaire and during the phone conversation. Don’t withhold any information. Ayahuasca is a powerful entheogen. Safety and trust are crucial factors between the participant and the guidance.

There are contraindications. Many medications cannot be combined with Ayahuasca. The organization or process therapist should always inform you about the contraindications. If in doubt, they can refer you to your medical specialist or physician for a written approval. Without this, you may not be allowed to participate.

Find out on this page if you can participate a Ayahuasca ceremony.

' Ayahuasca can be overwhelming and is not suitable for everyone.’

Take responsibility by being honest about your mental and physical health.


Only connect with Ayahuasca through a plant worker / process therapist you trust.

Get ready by reading the contraindications and possible limitations.

Participate a Ayahuasca ceremony because you want to work on yourself, not for anyone else.

Ayahuasca is not suitable for everyone

Certain severe mental health issues or psychiatric disorders

Certain physical (limiting) conditions

Certain contraindicated medications

If you seek a ‘trip’ experience

Ayahuasca & Mental health risks

There is a risk that the mind can get stuck in a ‘loop’ during the process. Ayahuasca takes you into your subconscious, where various (anxiety-inducing or painful) experiences may resurface. Mental ‘stagnation’ can occur if you resist fully feeling the  experience.

In the days that follow, you may feel confused or down (though this is not permanent).

Ayahuasca is not suitable for individuals with mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychosis, borderline personality disorder or certain other mental disorders.

Ayahuasca & Psychotic hallucinations.

Ayahuasca is not suitable for everyone. It’s possible to lose touch with reality during the Ayahuasca and fully believe in your own mental loops. You may experience delusions or hallucinations for a certain period.

This intense form of dissociation occurs when a deeply traumatic experience surfaces. You may remain in a dissociative state by refusing to accept what is happening and avoiding contact with the experience. This results in continued resistance and a complete avoidance of the experience.

Regardless of how intense, painful or overwhelming the Ayahuasca experience might be, it is essential to process it emotionally during the ceremony and engage with it. This journey involves processing trauma and healing. Afterward, acceptance, self-love, and surrender can emerge.

"A physical, mental, and emotional preparation contributes to a Ayahuasca ceremony."

Important conditions for a safe ayahuasca ceremony.

Ayahuasca and contraindicated medications

The combination with certain antidepressants and other “suppressants” can be life-threatening. Therefore, many plant facilitators /process therapists maintain a comprehensive list of medications and substances that may pose a barrier or cause harm, such as:

  • Any form of antidepressants, including SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) such as Prozac (fluoxetine), Sceletium tortuosum (Kanna), Seroxat (paroxetine), Cipramil (citalopram), Zoloft (sertraline), and Fevarin (fluvoxamine). Additionally, TCAs (tricyclic antidepressants) are also contraindicated.
  • Amphetamines
  • Sleeping pills
  • Allergy medications
  • Migraine medications
  • Anesthetics
  • Medications for high blood pressure
  • Beta-blockers
  • Barbiturates
  • Sedatives / tranquilizers
  • Appetite suppressants / diet pills

When to stop these medications depends on the specific medication. Check with the organization, process facilitator, and if necessary, with a doctor or medical specialist. Be honest to the specialist about your intention to connect with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI).

Ayahuasca and contraindicated drugs

Not allowed starting 2 weeks before the ayahuasca ceremony. Strongly advised for 4 weeks.

  • Cocaine
  • XTC / MDMA
  • Speed (Amphetamines)
  • Macromerine
  • Phentermine
  • Pseudo-ephedrine
  • Ephedra/ephedrine
  • (Xtenzion, Ultra Boost, Superstacker, Ephedra Supercaps, etc)
  • Heroin
  • Methadone
  • Ketamine
  • Other similar drugs and substances that are not mentioned but are related.

Ayahuasca and contraindicated medicinal plants or psychoactive substances

If you have no experience with psychedelics/entheogens, it is advised not to use the substances below for 2 weeks prior to the Ayahuasca ceremony.

  • LSD
  • San Pedro / Peyote
  • Bufo Alvarius
  • Truffles / psilocybin
  • Iboga (minimum of 6 weeks apart required!)
  • Marijuana (regular/daily use can block the effects of Ayahuasca)

Physical contraindications

Drinking Ayahuasca is not possible with these physical conditions

  • Epilepsy/seizures: also applicable if a close family member has a history of severe intense epilepsy.
  • Unstable diabetes mellitus: individuals with diabetes may face additional risks when drinking ayahuasca. This is due to the use of MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) in the ritual, which can alter blood sugar levels.
  • When have severe, unstable diabetes, you cannot engage with Ayahuasca due to this risk.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: If you have a chronic heart condition or high blood pressure, participation is not possible.Ayahuasca can raise blood pressure, posing a serious risk for individuals with severe heart disease or hypertension.
  • Liver and kidney diseases: Both play a crucial role in the metabolism of exogenous and endogenous chemicals. The use of MAOIs can put too much strain on them and disrupt their function.
  • Cerebral hemorrhages, strokes, and blood dyscrasias (abnormal blood cells).
  • Gastric bypass or other stomach surgeries.
  • Hypothyroidism: It is generally safe to drink Ayahuasca while using a reversible MAOI. You may continue using your medication during your connection. However, you should still consult your facilitator and your doctor, informing them that you plan to use an MAOI.
  • Pregnancy: You should not drink Ayahuasca if you are pregnant.

In the case of untreated tuberculosis, weak heart or liver conditions, or other health issues that may not be compatible with the Ayahuasca, you should always inform the process facilitator or relevant organization. If necessary, you may not be able to participate the ceremony.

‘ A plant based diet as preparation. ’

Ayahuasca mental preparation

Plan more rest two weeks in advance,
Avoid a full schedule,
Spend time in nature,
Engage in gentle activities like walking or cycling, avoid intens sports,
Get some more sleep.

Relax through practices such as yoga, meditation, breathwork, dancing or writing.

Ayahuasca preparation & diet

A good preparation makes you more receptive to the Ayahuasca. It is advisable to start the diet at least two weeks in advance, though starting earlier is always recommended.

The physical cleansing experience varies for each individual. Someone who exercises little and has an unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits, may face more challenges compared to someone with a healthier lifestyle.


Start the diet 7 (preferably 14) days before drinking Ayahuasca.
Avoid consuming:
– Pork (preferably stop a month in advance)
– Meat and fish
– Minimize or eliminate fat, salt, sugar, and spicy herbs
– Reduce coffee intake (to one cup per day).

On the day of the Ayahuasca ceremony:
A light breakfast (such as fruit, rice cakes, or oatmeal) along with water and tea.
Do not eat for 6 hours before the ceremony.

Avoid four days before drinking Ayahuasca

Bananas, pineapples, avocados, dried tropical fruits,
cheese, moldy cheeses, processed dairy products (yogurt, sour cream, and buttermilk). Young cheese is allowed.
Peanuts, fermented foods (sauerkraut, miso), chocolate, coffee, yeast extracts (bread is allowed)

Ginseng, St. John’s Wort (including supplements), valerian, rhodiola rosea, boswellia, and nutmeg.
Various nasal sprays (such as Otrivin, Vicks, and similar products).

With who do I want to have a Ayahuasca ceremony with?

Background of the facilitator / process therapist

A process facilitator or plant worker should possess extensive knowledge that goes beyond merely drinking Ayahuasca. In addition to self-knowledge, it is crucial that this individual has received appropriate training in areas such as the consciousness mind, trauma healing and/or has a therapeutic background.

It’s highly valuable for the facilitator to be familiar with themes that may arise during the ceremony, particularly those related to birth, death, or past lives.

Continual education and training is essential when working with  Ayahuasca.

Ayahuasca facilitators

Given that many people are working with Ayahuasca these days, it’s important to research whom you want to have a ceremony with.

While there are many skilled plant workers, process therapists and facilitators, there are also organizations, plant workers, shamans and medicine people who may not provide the necessary safety and expertise. This applies to every country.

In present days South America is not necessarily the best place to connect with Ayahuasca.


A trustworthy organization or Ayahuasca guide

Often, the best place for an Ayahuasca ceremony is found through word of mouth and online reviews.

There are many shamans from South America offering Ayahuasca sessions, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they provide better services than Western plant workers, process facilitators, Ayahuasca guides, or process therapists.

In every sector of society, there are individuals with both good and questionable intentions, where power and money can often play a role. Unfortunately, this also applies to the practice of working with Ayahuasca.

Be critical and be aware of any red flags that arise when;

The location / setting feels unsafe,
The pre-ceremony process feels uncomfortable,
Little information is shared with you beforehand,
If a plant worker claims to know everything, to be the best, or to have seen it all,
If a plant worker positions themselves as superior to the participants (and Ayahuasca),

Always trust your gut feeling
With some research you’ll find the right place or facilitator where you feel at ease.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

'Ayahuasca a loving grandmother

Drinking Ayahuasca requires both participants and plant facilitators to embody humility, respect, and a sense of responsibility. This approach will always yield beautiful gifts and life lessons to learn from.


Ayahuasca is a psychoactive substance and a sacred sacrament that connects us with the divinity within ourselves.

This connection is suitable for you if you seek personal and spiritual growth and are willing to work on the deeper (unconscious) aspects of yourself.

More information about Ayahuasca?

Curious about what Ayahuasca can mean for you?
Contact for a free introduction call.

Aanmelden ceremonie

Vul hier je gegevens in voor deelname aan een plant spirit proces of psilocybine dan zal ik zo spoedig mogelijk contact met je opnemen. 
