About me

We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us. Rumi.

Carlijn Revermann

I am deeply passionate and have the confidence that respectfully collaborating with the ancient wisdom of entheogenic plants, within a safe set & setting for participants, contributes to profound healing.
This allows unresolved emotional, traumatic events and physical blockages to be resolved. It creates space for creativity, profound insights and above all the ability to find peace and relaxation within oneself

I am certified as a psychedelic process therapist and consistently pursue further education through diverse trainings and courses. Drawing from a background as a whole foods specialist, nutrition advisor and years of experience in the corporate sector, I offer a unique blend of different skills and perspectives on the desire to self discovery, heal and personal growth.

Together with experienced process therapists, trained plant facilitators and/or healthcare providers, I support individuals through psychedelic plants in the form of ceremonies.
The use of entheogenic plants intertwines with various therapeutic and holistic methods such as Leela therapy, NLP, voice dialogue sessions, non-violence communication, regression visualizations, rebirthing practices, breathwork and mindfulness exercises.

These techniques are strengthened by (live) music, singing, integration sessions and various relaxation techniques.

“In addition to guiding clients, I regularly engage with psychoactive plants like psilohuasca, ayahuasca, and psilocybin as part of my ongoing training and lessons.”

My interests are diverse, they include; buddhism teachings, the cycles of birth and death (Stanislav Grof), the proces of healing traumatic experiences and the conscious mind.
I find these subjects fascinating because they reveal how we develop coping mechanisms, addictions, and destructive behaviors in our lives.”


“I believe that every person—whether consciously or unconsciously—has a desire to discover the wholeness within themselves, encouraged by a self-healing ability we are all born with.”

My mission

Cultivating self-confidence & connection
Creating a safe field for inner work
Practicing mindfulness

ayahuasca ceremonie

I consider myself as enthusiastic, determined & authentic

I live life on my own conditions, where nature and healthy nutrition serve as reliable friends.
Plants are the cornerstone of my life: entheogenic plants for cleansing our souls and plant-based nutrition for strengthening our bodies.
Deep inside, I feel like an ancient wise woman with Pippi Longstocking as a source of balance on my shoulder.

I find humans endlessly intriguing. This interest satisfies me through the holistic therapeutic work I practice with entheogenic plants and therapeutic holistic methods.
I believe that only through compassion one can see the truth within themselves—the truth that resides beneath blockages, stress, and traumas.

My qualities lies in providing safety and easily connecting with people while maintaining professionalism and pure humanity. With a non-judgmental attitude, compassion, calmness and enthusiasm, I encourage people into self-discovery, personal growth and create more self-awareness in their lives.

I create a safe, empathetic and sacred environment where I give reflections and boundaries with love and compassion. It’s my goal to  cultivate an environment that encourage self-confidence and empower individuals to make meaningful changes in their lives.

If you ask me, true freedom resides in simplicity, where richness is found.
Just be, included all the bells and whistles.


Laatste blogs

Carlijn Revermann

The Pleaser…for love love and…love

Ultimately, we all want the same thing: a relationship in which the other person always understands me. Period (no fuss). Unfortunately, a relationship is one

rouw en verlies verwerken met psilohuasca en ayahuasca (en)

The 5 stages of grief

How does grieving work? How does grieving work for the loss of someone through death, but also the loss through grieving a divorce? The stages

Aanmelden ceremonie

Vul hier je gegevens in voor deelname aan een plant spirit proces of psilocybine dan zal ik zo spoedig mogelijk contact met je opnemen. 
