First; let go of your expectations.

During the experience you will experience that time and space fade away. Your senses become more sensitive and sharper. You’re invited to make contact with your inner world through your body, the emotions and sensations.

You will receive insights and answers about your own conditioned or deep rooted patterns, (false) beliefs.
Traumatic, shocking or intens events can be processed and there is an opportunity for discovering your own potential, life path, profound insights and discover talents.

Sometimes the experience is very visual, through geometric figures, cartoonish or realistic images. And sometimes it unfolds itself through emotions and sensations, which can be equally insightful.

This inner journey is often accompanied by physical cleansing; vomiting, going to the toilet, shaking, yawning, crying.

These are all natural expressions of letting go. Allowing this process can be a beautiful, vulnerable symbol of the surrender to yourself.

Note; this kind of purging has a different experience than when you have with for example the flu.Vomiting while drinking Ayahuasca often comes full force ‘out of your toes’, which is usually experienced as a huge relief and liberation.

Aanmelden ceremonie

Vul hier je gegevens in voor deelname aan een plant spirit proces of psilocybine dan zal ik zo spoedig mogelijk contact met je opnemen. 
