The birth process plays a crucial role in shaping our personality, often leading to the development of false beliefs and a poor self-image as we grow older. A rebirth experience is common in a Ayahuasca ceremony.

As human beings, we all share two profound experiences: birth and death. Both are intense events that require us to let go of our bodies, loved ones, and identities, surrendering to the unknown. Birth, in particular, is often filled with fear. It’s marked by the chaotic energy of mother and/or baby plus the complications that can occur. As such, the birth experience is one of the most common traumas we all carry.

While there are many other traumatic events, such as (sexual) abuse etc. that can profoundly impact us, not everyone encounters these situations.
However, birth is a universal experience that touches us all.

The body has a memory, also called cellular memory. All subconscious experiences are stored here. Experiences that can go back to our conception and before our existence.

Because birth is an intense (traumatic) experience and therefor occurs very frequently in a Ayahuasca ceremony. The experience (stored in our body) wants to be processed.

Note; Because you have no images of this, this experience comes back into our consciousness from our emotion and physical memories; the body. It can be confusing when you are in a rebirth during the Ayahuasca and the plant worker or process therapist hasn’t mentioned this information during the intake or sharing session.

Aanmelden ceremonie

Vul hier je gegevens in voor deelname aan een plant spirit proces of psilocybine dan zal ik zo spoedig mogelijk contact met je opnemen. 
