This can occur during the first round of the Ayahuasca ceremony. You may be nervous, unsure of what to expect, and possibly a bit anxious. This often manifests as a mechanism to control or hold on.

This is normal and happens very often; the unknown can be pretty exciting and resistance often takes over.

Your “monkey mind” kicks in, and you realize that your thinking mind is distracting yourself.
You might literally come up with the craziest thoughts, way down to the grocery lists on your kitchen table.
Often, you’re also sabotaging yourself: “See, it’s not working, it’s not meant for me, I’m not good enough, I’m stupid, I can’t do it” etc.

It requires relaxation and connecting with your body. Relax, breath slowly and be curious about yourself.

Note: It is also common for people to experience beautiful insights and revelations once they are home after the ceremony.

Aanmelden ceremonie

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