The 5 stages of grief

rouw en verlies verwerken met psilohuasca en ayahuasca (en)

How does grieving work? How does grieving work for the loss of someone through death, but also the loss through grieving a divorce? The stages of grief occur both during a (long) illness and afterward, once someone has passed away. These stages of grief apply to both the dying person and their loved ones. In […]

Does a psychedelic plant ceremony ‘bad trip’ exist?

First and foremost, I want to emphasize the following: when consuming entheogenic plants in a ceremonial setting, we are not talking about ‘tripping.’ Tripping is partying until the early hours with drugs, with no focus on any form of inner work or self exploration. In a ceremony, you are ‘traveling’ through your inner world under […]

Aanmelden ceremonie

Vul hier je gegevens in voor deelname aan een plant spirit proces of psilocybine dan zal ik zo spoedig mogelijk contact met je opnemen. 
